
Stellar Predator

Stellar Predator

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Fischl: Stellar Predator "The instant in which Ozvaldo Hrafnavins shows his great might."

Card EffectsCost
Combat Action : When your active character is Fischl , equip this card. After Fischl equips this card, immediately use Nightrider once. When your Fischl, who has this card equipped, creates an Oz , and after Fischl uses a Normal Attack : Deal 2 Electro DMG . (Consumes Usage(s) ) (You must have Fischl in your deck to add this card to your deck.)3
Elemental Skill Deals 1 Electro DMG , summons 1 Oz .3
Summons End Phase : Deal 1 Electro DMG . Usage(s): 2
Applies Electro and can trigger the following Elemental Reactions: [ Electro + Pyro ] Overloaded : DMG +2 for this instance, the target is forcibly switched to the next character [ Electro + Cryo ] Superconduct : DMG +1 for this instance, deal 1 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters except the target [ Electro + Hydro ] Electro-Charged : DMG +1 for this instance, deal 1 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters except the target [ Electro + Dendro ] Quicken : DMG +1 for this instance, creates a [ Catalyzing Field ] that grants +1 DMG to the next 3 instances of Dendro/Electro DMG
Combat Action After you finish 1 Combat Action, it will be your opponent's turn. Playing a card from your Hand with this rule is also a Combat Action rather than a Fast Action. Usage(s) After this card's effect is triggered, 1 Usage of it will be consumed. This card will be discarded immediately once it has 0 Usages remaining.
Reward for inviting Fischl to a duel at The Cat’s Tail and achieving all corresponding challenge objectives

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