
♥ 10
Maguu Kenki

Maguu Kenki

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"Ingenious Machine" Maguu Kenki Even today, it still patrols the place where fate was severed.

Card EffectsCost
Normal Attack Deals 2 Physical DMG .12
Elemental Skill Deals 1 Anemo DMG , summons 1 Shadowsword: Lone Gale .3
Elemental Skill Deals 1 Cryo DMG , summons 1 Shadowsword: Galloping Frost .3
Elemental Burst Deals 4 Anemo DMG , triggers the effect(s) of all your Shadowsword Summon(s). (Does not consume their Usages)33
Summon End Phase : Deal 1 Anemo DMG . Usage(s): 2
Summon End Phase : Deal 1 Cryo DMG . Usage(s): 2
Reacts with Elements if they are already applied: [ Anemo + Cryo ] Cryo Swirl : Deals 1 Cryo DMG to all opposing chracters except the target [ Anemo + Hydro ] Hydro Swirl : Deals 1 Hydro DMG to all opposing characters except the target [ Anemo + Pyro ] Pyro Swirl : Deals 1 Pyro DMG to all opposing characters except the target [ Anemo + Electro ] Electro Swirl : Deals 1 Electro DMG to all opposing characters except the target
Applies Cryo and can trigger the following Elemental Reactions: [ Cryo + Pyro ] Melt : DMG +2 for this instance [ Cryo + Electro ] Superconduct : DMG+1 for this instance, deal 1 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters except the target [ Cryo + Hydro ] Frozen : DMG +1 for this instance, the target is unable to perform any Actions this Round (Can be removed in advance after the target receives physical or Pyro DMG, in which case they will take +2 DMG)
Physical DMG Physical DMG will not apply any Elements, nor can it engage in Elemental Reactions. Usage(s) After this card's effect is triggered, 1 Usage of it will be consumed. This card will be discarded immediately once it has 0 Usages remaining.
Reward for accepting the Tavern Challenge at The Cat’s Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with Maguu Kenki

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