
Elemental Resonance: Sprawling Greenery

Elemental Resonance: Sprawling Greenery

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Elemental Resonance: Sprawling Greenery New branches and sprouts grow into a forest.

Card EffectsCost
During this round, the next Elemental Reaction your active character triggers deals +2 DMG. Your Burning Flame , Dendro Core , and Catalyzing Field gain +1 Usage(s) . (You must have at least 2 Dendro characters in your deck to add this card to your deck.)1
Burning Flame Summon End Phase : Deal 1 Pyro DMG . Usage(s): 1 (Can stack, Max 2 stacks.) Dendro Core Combat Status When you deal Pyro DMG or Electro DMG to an opposing active character, DMG dealt +2. Usage(s): 1 Catalyzing Field Combat Status When you deal Electro DMG or Dendro DMG to an opposing active character, DMG dealt +1. Usage(s): 3 Usage(s) After this card's effect is triggered. 1 Usage of it will be consumed. This card will be discarded immediately once it has 0 Usages remainig.

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