
Abyssal Summons

Abyssal Summons

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Abyssal Summons "Yaya ika!"

Card EffectsCost
Summon 1 Random Hilichurl Summon ! (You must have at least 2 Monster characters in your deck to add this card to your deck.) Random Hilichurl Summon There are 4 kinds of Hilichurl Summons in total: Cryo Hilichurl Shooter : Deal 1 Cryo DMG at the End Phase, can be used 2 times. Hydro Samachurl : Deal 1 Hydro DMG at the End Phase, can be used 2 times. Hilichurl Berserker : Deal 1 Pyro DMG at the End Phase, can be used 2 times. Electro Hilichurl Shooter : Deal 1 Electro DMG at the End Phase, can be used 2 times.
Summons End Phase : Deal 1 Cryo DMG . Usage(s): 2
Summons End Phase : Deal 1 Hydro DMG . Usage(s): 2
Summons End Phase : Deal 1 Pyro DMG . Usage(s): 2
Summons End Phase : Deal 1 Electro DMG . Usage(s): 2
Usage(s) After this card's effect is triggered, 1 Usage of it will be consumed. This card will be discarded immediately once it has 0 Usages remaining.

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